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Search results for: internal communication

How AI is Shaping the Communications Industry

Do you think the internet and social media were game changers? Our world is facing a major disruptive force that promises to be even bigger than both. Artificial Intelligence is disrupting and transforming everything around us, and this imminent paradigm shift will have a huge impact across all sectors, including the media, and the communications industry.

Our Moment of Truth: What is Next for the CCO

Over the past year, Page has conducted research on the world’s leading CCOs and their organizations, through a combination of interviews and surveys. The findings: This is an existential moment for companies and their CEOs. Societal issues are an intensifying force. The weaponization of information, perception and advocacy.

Identity, Brand and Purpose: The Page Model in Action

In 2018, the Norwegian company Statoil changed its name to Equinor to reflect a shift in identity from an oil company to a broader energy company. Reidar Gjaerum and his CEO Eldar Saetre worked together to create a step-by-step change platform that was driven by purpose, inspired by vision, and guided by values. Most importantly, the Page Model was at the heart of their work, and they spoke about how they used it to begin the profound transformation of a 46-year old company that is two-thirds owned by the government and how they got approvals for this monumental change all the way up the line to the Prime Minister of Norway.

If, When, and How to Engage

Every Chief Executive and Chief Communications Officer is now regularly faced with the challenge of if/when/how to engage on a broad range of social issues that impact one or more of their stakeholders. The typical calculus: If we speak out, do we positively reinforce our values or do we create a bigger problem for ourselves? How do we thread a needle when our stakeholders, like the world itself, is so divided on so many issues?

Building Community @ Work

CCOs from Steelcase, Mubadala, ANZ Banking Group, Mahindra and ROI Communication share how their companies engage employees and create a sense of community internally in today’s environment.

Employee Engagement & Community

ANZ Bank's Paul Edwards, ROI Communication's Barbara Fagan-Smith, Mubadala's Brian Lott and Steelcase's Michael Merk share how their companies engage employees and create a sense of community internally in today’s environment. #PageAnnual.