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Harnessing the Power of CommTech | The CCO as Pacesetter

Over time, we will teach our member CCOs and their teams how to adapt to a "performance communications" function.

Differentiating CommTech from MarTech | The CCO as Pacesetter

How does CommTech differ from MarTech?

The Page Thought Leadership Journey | The CCO as Pacesetter

Page Thought Leadership Chair Jon Iwata traces the history of Page's research into the changing role of the CCO, dating back to the publication of The Authentic Enterprise in 2007.

The CCO at the Center of Enterprise Transformation | The CCO as Pacesetter

What has the last decade of research on the role of the CCO taught us? The function is more critical than ever to help CEOs lead the transformation of their enterprises.

Brand Progression Path | The CCO as Pacesetter

How can CCOs and their teams master the art of brand stewardship?

Taking the CommTech Journey | The CCO as Pacesetter

The majority of CCOs we spoke with as part of research identified themselves as Professionals, the first stage in the CommTech journey.